KONTROL FREEK No-Slip Thumb Grips for PS5 - Pack of 8

KONTROL FREEK No-Slip Thumb Grips for PS5 - Pack of 8

Item No. 10258175
Compatible with PS4 / PS5 controller
2 year guarantee
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Compatible with PS4 / PS5 controller
2 year guarantee
Product code: 625796

Good to know

- Upgrade the feel of your PS4 & PS5 controllers with these Kontrol Freek no-slip thumb grips
- They're extra grippy, so you'll get more precision when you're moving or aiming
- The high quality rubber is durable and comfy on your thumbs
- Match these multicoloured grips to your console or controller

Technical specifications for KONTROL FREEK No-Slip Thumb Grips for PS5 - Pack of 8


12 x 20 x 21 mm (H x W x D)
Manufacturer’s guarantee
2 years
3.26 g
Box contents
Kontrol Freek No-Slip Thumb Grips for PS5 - Pack of 8


Thumb grips
- PS4
- PS5
Black, white & blue