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Welcome to Currys Perks! We’ve tried to make sure getting and using your Perks is as easy as can be. But if you’ve got a question, no worries. Here are some of the most common ones:
Terms & Conditions for Currys Perks
We want to make sure that Currys Perks always works for you, so we may change the benefits and offers that it provides.
There may be more terms that apply to specific offers or services that are open to you through Currys Perks – but we’ll let you know about these at the time.
You can leave at any time, and we might decide to close Currys Perks. If that happens, we’d love to stay in touch to send you offers that you might not want to miss. But we’ll do this only as set out in our Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe or change your preferences at any time – you’re in control!