NINTENDO SWITCH Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time

NINTENDO SWITCH Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time

Item No. 10224948
Minimum age: 12+
Single player / Co-op
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What you’ll need to make it even better

Minimum age: 12+
Single player / Co-op
Product code: 544244

If you've missed Crash Bandicoot over the past ten years, there's good news - your favourite orange marsupial is back. In Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, you'll once again get to thwart the devilish plans of Doctor Neo Cortex and his underlings. This time he's escaped from prison and managed to rip the fabric of time itself. Reunite the four quantum masks and save the entire multiverse to let Crash and Coco chill on the beach again.

You can alternate between Crash and Coco to navigate through elaborate platforming, collect the wumpa fruit and defeat crazy bosses. Crash and Coco have learned new moves since the last adventure and you'll get to exploit the mysterious powers of the four Quantum Masks so you can overcome all the obstacles laid by Dr. Neo Cortex. With masks like the Time Mask (Kupuna-Wa) and Gravity Mask (Ika Ika), you'll be able to bend reality to your will and shimmy-dance your way to victory.

There's even more enhanced features too, like huge boss battles and tricks like wall-running and rope swinging. It's About Time follows on perfectly from the end of Crash Bandicoot:Warped, so you'll get to continue the adventure right where you left off.

Technical specifications for NINTENDO SWITCH Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time


PEGI age rating
Nintendo Switch game


Manufacturers guarantee
1 year
Box contents
Nintendo Switch Crash Bandicoot 4: Its About Time


Play modes
- Single player campaign
- Local co-op