LEITZ iLAM 74820000 125 Micron A4 Laminating Pouches - Pack of 25

LEITZ iLAM 74820000 125 Micron A4 Laminating Pouches - Pack of 25

Item No. 10203681
Gloss texture
125 microns
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What you’ll need to make it even better

Gloss texture
125 microns
Product code: 631702

Perfect for preserving documents, photos and drawings, the Leitz iLAM 74820000 125 Micron A4 Laminating Pouches have a gloss finish, which creates an airtight, water-resistant seal.

Compatible with any A4 laminator, the iLAM 74820000 Laminating Pouches are designed for hassle-free use and come with easy-to-follow instructions.

Technical specifications for LEITZ iLAM 74820000 125 Micron A4 Laminating Pouches - Pack of 25

Manufacturer’s guarantee
1 year
Box contents
Leitz 74820000 iLAM 125 Micron A4 Laminating Pouches


Gloss laminating pockets
A4 laminator